Foot Problems
and Orthotics

Our feet and their alignment with the ground can be be a source or pain and misery.  However, much can be done to relieve foot pain.

Our feet can also contribute to metatarsalgia, ankle aching, shin- splints, knee, hip and even low back pain. Nature designed our feet to have long inner arches and an arch across the base of the toes. These arches provide shock absorption up through the legs and if they are not functioning correctly pain or overuse injury can result, especially in sport.

The shape of our limbs, e.g. squinting patellae, knock knees or bow legs can alter the way we walk and contribute to injury over time. Some times flat feet which may not cause a problem in youth can become a source of bother as we get older. Flat feet can contribute to problems higher up the leg so your feet can be the source of back,hip and knee pain .Foot abnormalities can contribute to the onset of  Achiiles tendinopathy and Plantar fasciitis and these conditions will be helped by controlling the feet with insoles in addition to the use of Shockwave therapy . Ensuring strong core and butt (Gluteal) muscles plus controlling our weight can be important factors in managing foot pain. Like wise high arched feet can cause problems and this will generally be managed with softer shockabsorbing supports.

About Orthotics

Orthotics can be anything from simple additions to the insole of your shoe to a custom made device manufactured from an imprint or scan of your foot. Orthotics can also be of the “Off the Shelf’ variety with many types available.

The orthotics provides support for the feet, which by improving alignment and controlling motion, reduces or eliminates pain in the feet, ankles, shins, knees, hips and lower back. 

In combination with stretching and strengthening exercises, orthotics correct alignment in gait and prevent the developement of strain or pain. The style of orthotic that the physiotherapist will select is dependent on your injury, your foot type, lifestyle and footwear and these are prescribed following a full biomechanical assessment.



Complete history and analysis of complaint


Examination of feet, legs, hips and lower spine


Scan of symmetry and alignment


Gait analysis


Foot wear assessment


Recommendation of orthotic type considering your budget and preferred option


Taking an imprint and fitting of appropriate orthotics.

Costs of Orthotics

Simple devices provided at the clinic cost from €50. 

The cost of “Off the shelf devices” provided in your shoe size is dependent on type. It can vary from €50 to €100.  Many of these simple devices are sufficient to resolve your problem.

The Sandymount Clinic does not use the commonly seen force plate impression as this does not align the foot to neutral and from our experience is not the preferred optionCustom devices are made to a ‘Neutral’ imprint of your foot, either by Foam Box impression or plaster of Paris cast ensuring that the 3D profile of the foot is captured. The cost will be approx €350. This includes assessment, impression taking, provision and fitting. Custom made devices are sturdy, have a longer life and can be refurbished even after years of wear.

Properly designed and fitted footwear are essential to the function of your orthotics.  At the end of the assessment, shoe recommendations are given.  However, it is usually recommended to wait until you receive the orthotics before you shop, just to ensure the most ideal fit.